Thursday, November 27, 2008

Macy's Thanksgiving

In spite of all my objections to Macy's (see: buyout of Marshall Fields, terrible dressing room lighting) I'm pretty won over by their new commercial, and a total softy for the Parade.

I got to go once or twice when I was little, but my favorite Thanksgiving tradition has been rolling out of bed and down the street to Linda's house to be awed by the Rockettes and disgusted by the Mike Miller dancers (as I am even as I type) while she makes green bean casserole. Linda has had a slightly more sophisticated Thanksgiving in Paris this year and last, so I'm twittering the Parade instead, and I've got to say, this is the best in quite some time.

exhibit a: actual talent is performing - James Taylor, Miley Cyrus, Idina Menzel, Kristen Chenoweth
exhibit b: the Rockettes looked surprisingly cute
exhibit c: the surprise Rick Astley performance/rickrolling reference gained them some coolness cred
exhibit d: the Keith Haring balloon piloted by his dad (who looks just like him) was touching and arty
exhibit e: a bizarrely funny moment with a briefcase drill team seemed biting and ironic given the current state of the businessman