Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Look of Love

I went wandering on the presqu'ile (peninsula that is the city center) today and was struck by a few savory scenes:
°Two young guys, faces flushed and veins popping from their necks, being pulled apart by the drivers at a taxi stand on the very fashionable street they were trying to mash each others faces into
°Just around the corner, a couple somewhere between 18 and 22 strolling in front of the fine arts museum. When the girl reached out for his hand, her companion actually twisted away with very apparent disgust. She took it and they kept walking.
°A few blocks later, after an inadvertent turn on to the one short street that apparently makes up this very Catholic town's red light district, a thoroughly and typically seedy looking bunch of passer by. Save a rather clean cut young family. The - I assume - parents checking out the information posted at the nicest looking of the dumps while their tenish year old daughter waited across the street.

Happy February Thirteenth.
Better luck tomorrow.
I love you
I miss you

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