Saturday, January 26, 2008


not. kidding.

1. i say omg a lot. this began ironically/referentially (see j. wall, dec. 2006) and became habitual. deal. im only about 75% as unintelligent as this makes me seem.
1.5. as of the writing, i am from an amero-centric point of view - which seems appropriate here, if nowhere else - abroad. that said, this is just a blog blog. not solely a study abroad deal
2. my computer is dying. so we'll see.


sometimes (read: most of the time.) i am lame

Duly noted, Katy Pape. Expect further capitals in future. This can be a sort of experiment in which to stretch my unemo potential.

1 comment:

Katy said...

Finally! Access to your brilliant mind. Will your brilliant mind be using capital letters in the future?