Thursday, June 4, 2009

Twilighters: The Fifth Column?

Saw this xkcd comic a few days ago and I didn't really realized how terrible the threat was...

Since Condé Nast himself was a fellow Georgetown graduate (class of 1894), I feel that i can speak on his behalf, at least in this matter, and say that HE WOULD NOT WANT ROBERT PATTINSON TO WIN VANITY FAIR'S HANDSOMEST MAN ALIVE CONTEST. Why Graydon Carter - or more accurately whatever other editor was responsible for the list - put him on there in the first place is a bit beyond me. It seems like asking for trouble. That said, that the Twilight actor is beating Jon Hamm or Brad Pitt or even Johnny Depp in this poll is a bit ridiculous, I think it goes without saying.

Dear tweens, please go pick on the polling results of someone your own size. Like J-14 magazine. Or Tiger Beats. Vanity Fair is serious business - they reported on Plamegate and the inner workings of the Bush White House, and I'd appreciate it if you'd keep it that way by staying out of the way of serious candidates for frivolous polls.

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